
 Some people believe that many of us have ancestral connections to different galaxies. This system suggests that souls haven’t just reincarnated here on earth but on stars and planets lightyears away. If you feel like you’ve never really belonged here on earth or feel a spark of energy when you hear about the potential of being related to star-based spiritual teams, then these guides might be for you.

 Many people don’t see, sense, or hear any particular guide but instead, tap into the all-knowing energy of the universe. This is the collective sea of unconscious energy that connects us all, a spiritual source energy that is all around us and also of us. You can call it universe, spirit, source, or god. You always have access to it and always have.

 If you don’t feel connected with a specific spirit, animal, plant, or galactic energy, this might be the way to go. Of course, you can have deep connections to your spiritual guidance team AND a more universal energy.

 Communication with your guides will vary wildly, and some will come in more “loudly” than others. Your only job is to “listen,” which means listening with more than just your ears. Here’s how:

 Your guides might send information through certain books, “random” people, or practitioners. If you see something more than a couple of times, or synchronistic events tend to happen frequently, pay close attention to it.

 Many guides send messages in the form of numbers or symbols. Again, if you get the inkling that something might be a message, write it down and track how often it comes up in your life. Note what you’re doing, how and what you’re feeling or thinking at the time.

 Guides often show up with messages in the dream space when conscious thought can’t get in the way. Dream tracking is a wonderful way to heed guidance from your team.

 The first (and best) thing you can do to begin fostering a connection with your guides is simply acknowledging that they’re there —no complex rituals or meditations required!

 If you’re unsure “who” is on your team or what they’re there to teach you, just be patient. With a few of these simple tricks, you’ll start to gain more clarity:

 The best thing you can do to foster a lasting relationship with your team is to trust your instincts and the signs and synchronicities that your guides are sending through.

 You might think that something is just a coincidence or that you’re just making it up. Keep a journal of everything you hear, sense, and see, plus all the synchronicities in your life. Trust me, writing it assists in the process of connecting the dots, and most importantly, interpreting the symbols themselves.

 The more you notice them, the more they’ll keep coming in. Soon, you’ll feel better about acting on the guidance you’re receiving, and that’s when the magic really starts to happen.

 Messages and guidance might come in unexpected ways. Plus, not everyone has the same sensing abilities. For instance, some people are more adept at hearing messages (clairaudience), while some are better at seeing images in their mind’s eye (clairvoyance).

 Some people only see colors, some get epic psychic downloads, while others may only get gentle energetic “nudges” in the right direction. Trust your instincts in whatever form they show up, and don’t expect any of this to feel or look a certain way.

 A beautiful way to connect to your guides is through a meditation or visualization process. Get yourself into a relaxed, meditative state. You can picture yourself in a beautiful, peaceful place or just see where your mind takes you.

 When it feels right, ask to meet one of your guides. Be patient and sense what comes up. Traditionally, any person, animal, or other spirit you meet three times on your subconscious journey is your guide. You can then ask:

 It’s called a spiritual practice for a reason. Like many things in life, it’s easy to understand how things work or have a philosophical relationship with them —and it’s much harder to actually practice!

 Set up a time every day to sit in silence, reverence, and gratitude. You might want to add some journaling, meditation, or a Tarot card pull —whatever you feel connected to is fine. The most important part is choosing something that helps you connect to your spirituality and practice it daily.

 Herbs are powerful allies for spirit work, helping to cleanse and clear the auric field and open the upper chakras so you can better hear your guides’ messages. Work with the following herbs and herbal blends to support your connection with your team.

Spirit Keeper

 Palo Santo is one of the most powerful energetic, and physical, purifiers you can find. Indigenous to Central and South America, healers and indigenous people have used it for centuries for direct communion with the spirit world. Use it to help clear energetic space for communication with your guides before ceremony, meditation, or dream time.

 This ethically crafted Palo Santo Oil or Water, is a potent botanical perfume you can keep on your altar, bedside table, or in your bag for on-the-go spiritual work. Or if you’re looking to ward off energy at home, you might want to burn the wood itself.

 Sacred smoke blends are made with herbs and flowers that offer different benefits and spiritual correspondences. For instance, some herbs relax the body and mind, helping to increase your connection with the spirit realm or help open your third eye. You can use this Flores Sagradas blend ceremonially and mindfully to conjure and open the crown chakra. Or, this botanical blend designed to relax and create feelings of euphoria to more deeply connect you to the spirit realm.

 Kalea Sacatechichi is a powerful herb that’s scientifically shown to boost dream recall. And the better your recall, the more likely you are to remember your guides’ dream-based messages. Traditionally used by the Chontal Indians of Mexico, Kalea is also known to increase lucid dreaming, inner reflection, imagination, and soul-gazing. Be aware that it’s incredibly bitter, it is often used in tiny amounts in tea, with fellow plant allies like Lemon Balm, or Chamomile. Or, traditionally it’s also used as a smoke, or smudge.

 The blue lotus flower is a gentle, yet potent ally known to induce a deep meditative energy, enhance third eye function, and promote lucid dreaming. This is perfect for spirit guide work as it can help relax your nervous system, open your upper chakras, and create a feeling of euphoria conducive to speaking with spirits.

 Draw upon herbs that grow around you, as they speak and contribute deeply to your reality. Ask for their permission, and add them to your altar, herbal bath, or use them as a special ofrenda, divine offering. Adriana Ayales

 Tending to your guides is a beautiful way to show respect and foster an ongoing, mutually beneficial relationship.

 Tending to your guides is a beautiful way to show respect and foster an ongoing, mutually beneficial relationship.

 Just like a person, a guide is happy to help, but it’s always nice when a relationship goes both ways. Honor your guides with these tips:

 Many traditions believe that holding your spirit guides’ identities and details close to your heart is a sacred practice in and of itself. That means not posting haphazardly about them on social media or telling everyone you meet about them.

 Learn more about your guides by asking them questions about what they enjoy and how they would like to be honored.

 Call on your guides often. Communicate with them by writing them letters or speaking with them. They want to help, so don’t be shy about going to them for counsel.

 You wouldn’t ask something of someone without first paying them, bringing a gift, or otherwise showing your respect. The same goes for guides. Have a dinner in their honor, set up an altar with their favorite things, or make frequent offerings to show them your gratitude.

 Your guides want to have a relationship with you. So, even if you’re having trouble connecting or getting clear messages, be patient. Use the tips in this article and you won’t just find a deeper relationship with your spiritual team, but also with yourself and your own intuitive powers.

 Take your time and don’t rush things. You can’t force a connection with your guides. And since everyone experiences these kinds of connections differently, it’s essential to be patient, take note of even the most minor signs and signals, and wait for your relationships with your guides to strengthen.

 Spirit guides are beings that have transitioned into the afterlife. But rather than reincarnating on earth again, they have chosen to dedicate their existence to being spirit guides as a way of continuing their soul’s evolution. This is a high honor—not all of us have the option of becoming a spirit guide. To have this option suggests a high level of mastery and ascension.

 We’re paired with the spirit guides that can best serve us. This often looks like complementary strengths or similar strengths. If you’re known for running late, you may have a spirit guide that was always prompt when living and so they’re able to guide you in being prompt. Alternatively, you may have a spirit guide that was also constantly late and so you’ve been paired to overcome this challenge together. Spirit guides often know us better than we know ourselves. They’re wonderful at helping us out and guiding us in healing and growth.


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